Anping JoYa Wire Mesh Co., Ltd. Is the professional manufacture of stainless steel rope mesh, metal curtain, brass wire mesh. stainless steel wire mesh and the conveyor belts. Up to now, JoYa has 40 sets of decorative mesh machines and other machines. it has the ability to product more than 100 kinds of decorative wire meshes, conveyor belts, zoo meshes and stainless steel wire mesh, etc. Our products have been exported to lots of developed countries and received high reputation in domestic and overseas. In order to meet the demands of markets, JoYa has developed into an industrialized operation featuring the integration of trade, industry and the coordinated management of production, supply and sale. With our rich production technique and experience, we are very pleased to supply you with all types decorative metal fabric products to meet your various application, further more, we will cooperate with you closely to design and develop the new types to meet your continues updated requirements.We adhere to the business principle of "Honest, Quality First" and wish to cooperate with our customers on the base of mutual benefit in the near future.安平县卓雅网业有限公司是装饰网、输送带网、幕墙网、金属垂帘、绳网、铜丝网、席型网、不锈钢网的专业生产商,经多年研发生产,已形成七大类一百多种规格, 产品远销美,日,韩,德,法等欧美及东南亚地区,深受国内外客户一致好评。为了不断适应市场需求,卓雅人坚持不懈,开拓创新,从拉丝、捻股、合绳、抛光、漂洗、织网各方面入手,逐渐完善成一条龙服务。 产品采用优质不锈钢、黄铜、磷铜为原料,特殊编织而成,具有经久耐用,华丽高档,科技含量高等特点,广泛用于高级建筑的窗帘、吊顶、楼梯、电梯、豪华客厅的屏风装饰,高级办公大楼、宾馆、豪华舞厅、营业大厅、大型购物中心的内外装饰,灯光映照金碧辉煌。我公司秉承专业、诚信、以质量求生存的发展观念,始终坚持不断地创新再创新,与时代同步。为了回报新老客户的支持与帮助我们将信守承诺,以诚挚的服务与各界朋友坦诚合作,互惠互利,共创美好
信息名称: | AnpingJoYaWireMeshCo.,Ltd. |
信息栏目: | 企业简介 联系方式 |
单位电话: | 0318-7737561 |
单位地址: | 中国河北安平县xiangguang industrial area of anping city |
经营范围: | decorative mesh ,creative mesh ,woven mesh ,conveyor belt ,metal curtain ,wire mesh ,装饰网,建筑用网,输送带,金属垂帘,壁炉网, |
网页版本: | 手机版 电脑版 |
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